Dear customer,
another eventful year comes to an end.
2022 has presented us with major tasks and challenges, both in terms of the global economy and in the new and further development of our products. If we have reached the impossible already, remains open.
In line with our motto BRING OUT THE BEST, we enjoy working to achieve the impossible for you at all times! So in 2022 we have once again implemented many great projects together with you.
We would like to thank you very much for your trust and the positive response we received, especially at the Alu2022 in Düsseldorf.
We would like to offer new opportunities to the children in Akete, Ghana, by supporting the school building project there of the Reiner Meutsch Foundation FLY & HELP ( with our donation
We wish you, your family and your colleagues a peaceful and relaxing holiday season.
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023!
Your Evertz Hydrotechnik Team